Calming Lavender & Blueberry Lemonade

I love the smell of lavender. I often carry a little vial of it’s essential oils with me wherever I go. Lavender is truly an amazing plant. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it is also frequently used for aromatheraphy, cooking and in various beauty products.


When applied to drinks or food it provides delicate floral notes which may induce a gradual calming effect. As I wanted to create a health twist on a classic lemonade, I decided to include lavender and blueberries. The sublte sweetness of the blueberries really compliments the lavender and adds vibrancy to the overall colour of the lemonade. This drink would be great for a garden party, patio gathering or even if you’ve just had a hard day and crave a refreshing non-alcholic beverage.


Calming Lavender Blueberry Lemonade

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy
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EQUIPMENT: Large saucepot, pot lid, metal spoon, strainer, 1L glass jar.


  • 4 cups (1L) water
  • 4 tsp (20 mL) lavender, dried, culinary grade
  • Juice of 1 lemon, fresh
  • 1 tbsp (15 mL) honey
  • ½ cup (125 mL) frozen blueberries
  • 2 tbsp (30 mL) club soda, unsweetened or low sodium (optional)


1. Fill a large saucepot with 1L of water, pour in the dried lavender and loosely cover so steam may escape.

2. Over high heat, bring the water and lavender up to a heavy boil for 20 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat, add in lemon juice, honey and frozen blueberries. Using the back of a metal spoon, crush the blueberries up against the inside of the pot to extract their juices, approximately 5 minutes.

4. Let sit until cool.

5. Strain the lemonade into a 1L glass jar and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavours to mingle together.

6. Serve with ¼ cup of ice and if a sparkling version is desired add a splash (2 tbsp) of club soda.

7. Enjoy.

TIP: Keep drink refridgerated in an air-tight container for up to 2 days.

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